Saturday, August 24, 2019

Creating access-list wildcard masks for Cisco in Ansible

Working with access lists for Cisco IOS in Ansible is almost a nightmare by itself. This is due to the fact that you need to handle the exact position of each entry and you may have to remove the complete access list before you do anything.

One more thing to take into account is handling of wildcard bits. If you have defined your variables in CIDR notation you need to calculate the wildcard (or don't-care) bits before actually using them.

Just recently I found out there is a filter in Jinja2 that does exactly this calculation. It's an option in the ipaddr filter called 'hostmask'. It seems this filter is not so popular and I found very few references online, nevertheless it works quite well!

{{ mycidrvariable | ipaddr('hostmask') }}

For example if you apply this filter on '' you will get ''

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