Wednesday, May 18, 2011

7600 l2protocol forward vs ME3400 l2protocol-tunnel


ME3400 is able to tunnel l2 protocols with the command "l2protocol-tunnel xxx"

Tunneled STP BPDUs have 01-00-0C-CD-CD-D0 as a destination mac-address


On 7600 when using service instances on ES cards there is only one option, l2protocol forward.
As the name implies, the router does not alter the BPDUs. It just forwards them on the bridge domain bypassing the SP.

Tunneled STP BPDUs have 01-00-0C-CC-CC-CD as a destination mac-address

Following these different approaches, they can't interoperate in any easy way..

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Creating a Private Key and Public Certificate

Use the following OpenSSL command to create your private key. The command creates a 1,024-bit RSA private key stored in the file private-key.pem.

openssl genrsa –out private-key.pem 1024

Use the following OpenSSL command to create your public certificate. Run the command from the same directory that you ran the previous command to generate your private key. You will be prompted to enter some basic information for inclusion in the certificate, such as your name. The command generates a public certificate stored in the file public-cert.pem.

openssl req –new –key private-key.pem –x509 –days 365 –out public-cert.pem

That's all
